More flexible working hour regulation in the diamond industry


At the end of April 2022, a law on the regulation of working hours in the diamond industry was published in the Belgian Official Gazette (publication: 27 April 2022).


At the end of April 2022, a law on the regulation of working hours in the diamond industry was published in the Belgian Official Gazette (publication: 27 April 2022).

This law provides for the repeal of the Act of 16 May 1938 regulating working hours in the diamond industry and the abolition of the Royal Decree of 30 November 1983 establishing the rules for keeping an attendance register in the diamond industry. The draft law was drawn up at the request of the social partners within the joint committee for the diamond industry and trade (NJC324).

The law has already entered into force. As a result of the abolition, the sector of the diamond industry came henceforth under the general legal framework of the Labour Act of 16 March 1971 with regard to the regulation of working hours.

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